More artworks made by pencil recreations

Pyewacket the cat
Bell, book and candle 1958 comedy.. this cat was not famous Pyewacket..the cat a brown sealpoint Siamese Loved the eyes and well Kim Novak MMMMM!!!!! the eyes have it ….something different ….
Challenge: pencil recreations VS trevorp
dnprostudio 16 Jan 2020
nice draw for the woman and this cat
pencil recreations 17 Jan 2020
Thanks Dn I seen this reference a little while ago and loved the balance of eyes..Kim Novak was one of my fav actresses last century (boy makes me feel old ,hey I am old) so happy how they turned out...and happy to have your comment
trevorp 19 Jan 2020
By the looks of things Nev you have got this challenge in the bag. In hindsight I maybe should have picked another more detailed drawing that I did of a cat’s face. Your drawing is a very worthy winner .... Will do a dinosaur drawing challenge with you next time if that suits you.
pencil recreations 19 Jan 2020
still aways to go trev...a dinosaur challenge for sure as Ihave never tried to draw one and as I have said it will take a goodone to beat you in that department ..anyways will work on it .and let you know...
trevorp 16 Jan 2020
Must say Nev I think you have got a good head start - with this new drawing challenge. Reckon you will win this one mate.
pencil recreations 17 Jan 2020
It's nice to make a mini break but don't bet on it my friend art in the eye of the beholder can be fickle (my mando is hanging out) it is not over till it's over anyways I am enjoying our interaction sure adds to the fun in the game...
trevorp 22 Feb 2020
Well done on whipping my posterior in this cat drawing challenge:- it was a shellacking but am still happy to have a crack at a new kind of ‘fun’ dinosaur drawing challenge when you’re ready.
pencil recreations 2 Mar 2020
Hi Trev,thanks for the pat on the back in this one ,the likes of the voters sure can vary from time to time have started a dino drawing some thing I have not done before,after seeing your fab previous dinos I think a return shellacking will be in order (for me not you) but I am up to it....has been fun these personel challenges.will let you know when shortly finished ...The voters sure take their time to vote have a couple of challenges on the go and have sure taken some time to finish..Have just sarted to get back into some drawings and will catch up with you shortly..later my friend
NanRose 26 Jan 2020
Very creative. And I remember Bell book and Candle, good picture. Nice work
pencil recreations 2 Mar 2020
Finally ot to this comment NanYes enjoyed the fun in this one thanks for your comment albeitso late..
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