More artworks made by captainlupin


Romeo and Juliet Character Designs

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2019-09-28


I took a storyboarding class about a semester ago, and one of our assignments had us following a portion of the play for Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. We had to include some character designs for the storyboards we presented, and this was what I came up with. Ironically, back in my freshman year of high school, my teacher charged us with the task of making a “comic” for Romeo and Juliet based upon the most penultimate and scenes of importance. I’ve had to update everything for the sake of this assignment, of course, but it was fun to revisit! I have always seen Romeo as a saucy little fox man, while Juliet I had to seriously revamp from her original design, and I decided to settle on a Harris’s hawk—or at least, something in the vague design of one. I may or may not post more about this, but if anyone is interested in more, just let me know!


  • dnprostudio 4 Oct 2019

    i like this work

    captainlupin 7 Oct 2019

    Thank you very much!

  • Shane224 19 Mar 2020

    Salute, further conversation of business, you are needed just email me at ( Thanks.

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