More artworks made by VedR1109

Dralung Domain
A hand-painted concept of Dralung Dominion that I have painted for my dear friend Michaelgabrielr as a concept for the kingdom of dragons which are half eastern and half western dragons. I figured since I already made such hard working artwork I figured I might as well show it here on Deviant Art,so enjoy.
dnprostudio 4 Sep 2019
beautiful painting for this place like a heaven
VedR1109 4 Sep 2019
Thank you XD It is,isn't it? Well,what do you know,maybe heaven does look like this ;)
trevorp 8 Apr 2020
This has an ethereal feel about it. The clouds look very nice juxtaposed with the green colour of the mountain and also the blue sky. Love the textured look of the rocks as well. They stand out really well with the grey coloured look. Very well done. Keep up the great work in the meantime. Look forward to some more work.
VedR1109 9 Apr 2020
Thank you XD I was trying to capture the feel that those ancient asian atmosherical paintings have and make it look more mystical and archaic in nature.Thank you again and I'll make sure I continue my great work with the same splendor.
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