Great horned owl
Chalk, colored pencils, black fineliners.
Challenge: deathlouis VS TWINS2
pencil recreations 2 Mar 2020
Hi Dutch, Thanks for the name heads up, and so cool you draw for your sis, and to have a twin...( should have asked you how old you both were )(she have any arty in her or are you the one) ..My 40 year old son has inherited some of my arty skills and taken them to a higher level ,does street art and sells paintings ,does exhibitions etc (proud of his work)House is more like a art studio, and a couple of the grandkids are showing signs of ability as well.. great that you draw birds I am more into portraits as a stress and free time outlet. Do not worry about selling ..hey thanks for the votes ..have got one in the latest check it out or
TWINS2 13 Mar 2020
Thanks! We are 32 years old and I am the artist and my sister is taking a painting course and she works with clay. I Think the love for art comes from my grandfather - he painted and drew a lot. Nice to hear that your son also inherited it! And also that he can make a living from it and sell his work .. Would love to see more:)
pencil recreations 15 Jan 2020
Nicely done..... nearly won the owl comp....I even voted on you, best of three I think by a mile ...put the eye up against you just for fun shoulda checked your gallery again... you draw these critters so well...must take you a while especially in color and the detail is great....hey hava go at the next comp selfies....mines in great to see what you look like.. Question are there two of you and if not what is your first name..Nev
TWINS2 24 Jan 2020
Thank you! I voted on you!:) Haha.. Birds and especially owls are my favorite animals. That's why I prefer to draw them. You could say that there are indeed 2 of me .. I'm a Identical twin and my name is Louise and I'm Dutch. The scary or all fantasy drawings I made are for my sister - she loves that, especially skulls. I'm going to vote for you with the next competition, good luck!
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