More artworks made by FaerieWarrior

Gates of Heaven Mandala
This is my teacher example for a lesson for 4th grade. Mine is VERY complex but then again, making mandalas/zentangles is just so relaxing for me. I am also a very meticulous person so I try my best to add variety and detail into my mandalas. The lesson not only is about mandalas and radial symmetry, it's also about complementary colors using watercolor paint. For this I used blue and orange. The blue reminds me of a sky while the orange reminds me of heavenly sparks. After looking at the colors, it reminds me of one of the costumes from Shen Yun (which I saw last year, it was amazing!) not to mention it has some Asian elements within it.
murtazahashwani 11 Nov 2022
Nice artwork
LoranLindstrom 5 May 2019
I love this design! Can't help but thinking how I would have done it.
FaerieWarrior 6 May 2019
thanks :D and feel free to make one for yourself, I'd love to see it ^.^
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