More artworks made by Armorwing

Dark Memories (Animatic Progress)
Speedpaint: I haven't really said much about this but I'm in the middle of creating my first animatic (super original, I know). But seeing as how I'm not an animator, this is the next best way for me to visually create stories. This particular story is one I've had in my mind since middle school (same music and all). I feel a little weird trying to explain it, especially since the animatic will only be one part of it, but here's a little background. "Escape from HAVEN" is about Project:Sola, which aims to create a being capable of resisting certain deteriorating diseases. Simple organisms were created first, but never came close to the desired effect. More complicated organisms were made, with Sola being the most successful attempt. The only drawback: she's sentient , and even capable of speech. On top of this, it seems the enzymes for her desired resistance have to slowly grow and become more potent as she ages. This was going to slow progress down for ethical reasons, so the higher-ups greatly underrepresented her abilities. Meanwhile, she grew and learned fairly quickly in the facility. While plenty researchers were simply thrilled at the creation of a new sentient being, many more still saw her as the end of their original goal. Fast-forward a few years and ever increasing tension between Sola and the research team. It is proposed to put Sola in a coma until she has fully matured and can have those enzymes harvested. That's as far as I'm going here. But for reference, the images in this speedpaint are memories Sola has concerning one researcher in particular. You'll have to wait for the whole animatic for a little more context.