
More artworks made by TWINS2


...The Doorway to... HELL

Type: contest Uploaded: 2014-10-06


It almost took me a year to complete this drawing.. I made it for my (twin) sister. She is really into the dark ambiance. The whole process was fun but sometimes I really wanted it to rip it apart.. hahaha basically hell! For me everything in this drawing represent Halloween; skulls, roses, darkness, gravestones, a journey trough creepy places.. Happy Halloween!!


  • Petri95 9 Oct 2014

    really cool! But... are those snakes with hair or somethinf like that?

  • TWINS2 7 Oct 2014

    Thanks for the advise!! I 'm really relieved it's done.. hahaha

  • Grrawesomeness 7 Oct 2014

    Very nice, and creative, the style of drawing is reflecting upon the amount of work put into it. Great job. ~Grr

  • KiranArtist 7 Oct 2014

    amazing, very detailed, but just a critique there seems to be too much going on and not much of a focal point. Great work thought

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