More artworks made by pencil recreations

Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler is a fictional character portrayed by Billie Piper in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who... The series I liked the best.
Challenge: snakedaemon VS pencil recreations
dnprostudio 17 Jun 2019
very beautiful draw for Rose Tyler
pencil recreations 18 Jun 2019
thankyou again ...this was a fun draw...I love her facial beauty as I did her support acting in the Doctor series..
trevorp 22 Dec 2018
Love the eyes. Shading looks great overall. Like the style of your drawings. Admire your portraits in B&W in particular. Keep up the great work and keep on winning all of those challenges as well.
pencil recreations 23 Dec 2018
Great idea I will try but unfortunately I seem to come up against Snake and Bur do bur do thats all folks ...He is pretty good but I like drawing and it was christmas and I decided to let my hair down and add a couple to my gallery...Coming from you I appreciate your comment is a builder upper ...anyway will try and get a little better ..c u my friend ...
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