More artworks made by WoodyWelch



Type: painting Uploaded: 2018-11-28


SCORPION & FROG The scorpion asked the frog to please carry him to the other side of the river and the frog said: "NO! If I carry you across, you'll sting me!" "Oh I promise I wont!" cried the scorpion. "I just want to get to the other side!" "Well all right. " said the frog. The scorpion hopped on the frog's back and they began to head for the other side of the river. Suddenly, in the middle of the journey, the scorpion stung the frog. "YOU'VE STUNG ME....I WILL DIE....AND YOU WILL DIE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SWIM. YOU'LL DROWN. YOU'VE KILLED US BOTH!!! WHY...?" "I can't help it!" said the scorpion....."It's what I do!" I chose this one because I identify with it....I do what I do because I have evolved into a type of fantasy illustration and I rarely like anything else, left to my own devices. (Well, pizza, maybe,)


  • dnprostudio 29 Nov 2018

    waw very fantastic painting

    WoodyWelch 29 Nov 2018

    Thank You !!! :)

  • Khobe 30 Nov 2018

    Your explanation about nature is to the point but what about transcendance? This is a bugger for two leggeds.

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