More artworks made by JocyHope

One Day We Both Will Be Beautiful
This is my darling Panda. As most of you know, she has NO self esteem. She feels like she identifies with a lowly little caterpillar. Ugly, lumpy, slow, fat, lowest on the food chain..... And she dreams of the day when she will be a beautiful butterfly..... Little does she know she already is beautiful, both inside and out. Othello knows that. ;) He has enough self esteem for the both of them. How he puts up with her, I'll never know. :) She is at her favorite spot in the woods, under a willow tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok now that I have described what is going on let me just say this...................... OMG WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM?! LIKE WHUT?! OMG..... JUST.... Let me stare at this and be in awe of myself...... I don't often toot my own horn but.... DAMN! Wow... just.... Its one of those moments when you just impress yourself..... XD Ok I'm done. ________________________________________________________________________ Ok let me know what you think! Art and Panda- Mine
K-Koji 30 Jun 2021
Very nice!
LegendInLeather 23 Sep 2014
Oh This is gorgeous! keep up the amazing work!
Maciek97x 25 Aug 2014
Nice :D
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