More artworks made by Starrbar


UA School Dance

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-08-24


help me I'm in EraserMight hell Okay so I watched what's available of season 3 of My Hero Academia, which got me ultra-hooked again, and I saw something sweet and it was gay, so now I'm reeeaaaaally into EraserMight, and it's just so wholesome god dammit. <333 Also I wanted to draw some of my other favorite characters too (Mineta doesn't count, he's just easy for interactions like Iida scolding him), including Shihai Kuroiro (the guy with black skin and white hair) not because I know a damn thing about him, but because he looks exactly like a younger Chives. It's hilarious and I always joke with my friends that "I stole black steels from Boku no Hero Academia" haha. And I got to practice more dramatic lighting! I hope you like it! SPEEDPAINT:


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