More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

Summer Cleaning
Hello to all at public, and today I think I will still throw things on the very background of the Internet, namely on the Discord servers, but more particularly on the servers I have frequented in recent years, to explain basically, I got confused with the administrator & moderator of French Furs, because for behavior not acceptable to their liking, and was Kick to have been yelling a coup, you have to wonder that it's legitimate that did, and I agree, but only, it's not the first time since lately for a good reason, because as you all know, I have Dyslexia problems & I know I tend to get carried away in my little tantrums, I'm aware of who I am, which is why I don't talk too often in their server, because either it was just to publish my drawings, either get acquainted with people and then talk in private, or even sometimes even fuck up a little between friends, but unfortunately, even if it is people there who have been good to me, we try to make an effort to understand me from my writing & even to comment & liker my drawings with full emotion, most of the others on the other hand had more impression to see a dark fool who not share their same delirium & rather than say who not like my style of drawing in a polite way, he prefers to make fun of it by saying that it was ugly & rather to calm the game with his people there, certain to be them, sometimes to add layers & to prick a little to see how I will react, and even most of his people there, are moderators & downright Administrators, and are buddies among them, even the worst of the big trolls, and so put in the place of people who have their asses full to see guys with strange behavior to their taste, do not share the same delusions as everyone else & add in addition to trolls, kikoulol & hater mess up their own server, and suddenly, these waiters who had become open to all have become bossy waiter or we must share the same delusions, Obey or Bannir, such is their true face, and think that I am not the only one, because some preferred to keep quiet rather than open it, and since I, I could not help saying according to me who do not go, I made myself Kick of the waiter, which is for me the last, because I should not take me for an idiot, so I left his waiters who I felt more comfortable going there, and go to lodge me in more sympathetic with guys who share the same delusions & especially or we share the same idea..: Why his waiters, who were once well, have suddenly become so authoritarian that a second-degree joke or nothing to know that one tells, will be taken badly & suddenly Kick will be direct without knowing anything? because they're servers at the base of Gaming, so, a pretty virulent basic community, because after we throw them in the mouth of the players, I can understand that we can have the balls to have as much criticism or lose a party or not share the same video games, and in addition they're Furrys, which puts the balls even more, because critical level on this community on the internet, it's not ready to end you, yet I'm a furry too, and I had no problem with that, but we're talking about people who are now locked up in their own world & when a coconut like me comes into their server, it might one day have confits, even if I would have liked to have images, evidence or witnesses, I rather had the laziness to do so, because I don't just care about my days, I have my brain to keep healthy of which remains of my mentality and keep me mature, at this very moment, already imagine the many critics who must do on my back, well go on, what can it do, it's just words, I've never heard worse, but it makes me angry to know that he lets go last my back, rather not to say it in front of me, he prefers to hide in their moderator & administrator, rather than face reality, and then way, you know what, fuck his trolls, now, let's turn the page here & let's close this case that had already lasted too long, and I'll even tell you, I was inspired by the drawing Drug Tape from their bullshit, because must see the images that would put, even for me, I fell off my ass & that was too much for me, Anyway, let's forget it, it's all last me now, on what people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 & don't forget, Improvised, it's art & avoid who's on the web ^^
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