
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Man Of The Moon

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-07-19


Well, after this little break without any headache, because with now my instagram account, I published some drawing to already start somewhere, but also to make a new drawing, it was good I already had an idea in stock that I wanted to make, including a very good inspiration of music, with Man of the Moon by R.E.M, Actually, I knew the music by watching the movie of the same title played by Jim Carrey, whose story is Andy Kaufman, an American humorist of the 80s, whose it was really someone who had his own world, and even, it's that I loved that movie, because he had Jim Carrey at the beginning, but it's rather about who tells, because we're talking about a crazy complement guy, he had a rather surrealist humour style, but damn that it's extreme for the time, we're talking about a guy, who had wrestling with women, but, like, it's not what, but I don't know why I was so touched by this movie, by his ridiculous character or the fact that everything that happened in the movie was true, because yes, it really existed, this guy to exist, at the beginning, I didn't even know that it was inspired in fact real, I had thought that everything was invented so much that it wasn't possible that all this was true, well after it's just a film, but I think it's really made an impression on me, it's the music that accompanied the film, and especially that of R.E.M., because it sums up well that the character was, a man in the moon, a guy elsewhere, everything that thought was funny for him, but that it was funny for people? this movie & music inspired me a lot & this drawing is a tribute, from one of the movies I loved during my adolescence, about what people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 & don't forget, Improvised, it's art ^^


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