More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Pump Up The Volume
Well, after the very long summary I did for "You're a bunch of junkies !", I think I'm out of philosophical speech or moral idea with two bullets, finally found according to you the words that justifies what I can tell as bullshit, finally bullshit that had the merit to have had one or two comments on DeviantArt, something that I would never have believed to see again one day in a site or one thinks that the Fan-art as original, Anyway, I'll leave you with this drawing, inspire once again a music, you're used to coming from me, but well, let's say it's a break, time to remake a Stickman Bulk #5, because I need to think about what new drawing you produce coming from a crazy person like me, but also that I'm in the middle of an internship, so maybe I won't have time to do a very good drawing than "Blue Monday", "Lost Darkin Mind" or the best I could do "It's All Too Much !" we'll see later, because I'm finally happy, well, for now, on what people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 & don't forget, Improvised, it's art ^^
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