
More artworks made by neverdieart



Type: painting Uploaded: 2014-10-06


"Gardenia" by Carissa Rose Watercolors, markers, fountain pens, and white colored pencils on bristol board paper. Prints available on etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/neverdieart WIP pics and more on instagram @misscarissarose and facebook.com/carissaroseart


  • Don Art 12 Sep 2015

    wow!! great job!

  • JERRICK JONES 11 Sep 2015

    very good work like the concept

  • hgardin 11 Sep 2015

    Very vibrant colours. I love your "wallpaper" of the eye as well.

  • FaerieWarrior 16 Aug 2015

    love the colors and all the details =3

  • rogerkr 12 Aug 2015

    Looks like tatoo. Very nice

  • tigerlily 6 Aug 2015

    really cool

  • Koi 25 Jul 2015

    She looks very-very good!!!!

  • RedKnightmares 1 Jul 2015

    Wow she looks good. She must have taken some work.

  • didier1961 30 Jun 2015


  • Anonymous 6 Oct 2014

    Great choice of colours

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