More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Me, Darkin Kimiro, put an end to the manga period that I trained for a week and will not be a direction that I like not so much & choose the pure parody & hard reference that touched deep in my heart, because to explain this mess, the mangas got me more drunk than anything else for a good reason, is that you have to sacrifice a lot of your time to read will only be 1 volume, and at this moment, I understand why many have become Otaku in spite of them, well after I exaggerate, because I finished & read my 1st manga in 5 volume that is Devilman, and I re-confirm more that the mangas raises me for their morals that gives you a hell of a blow in the face, more sensitive & direct, you die, while since those 1 week I got drunk with all this manga shit & that I had the lowest morale with training + research internships (of which it is the hardest thing to do by choice & pure chance that I did in my life, and still I start to penne to make my life), I looked at the first 3 Rocky, whose story is that of Rocky who lives in Philadelphia, or one day, Apollo Creed will give him that chance to beat him in the ring, it looks simple said like that, and even very cliché over the years, because the films have had a lot of parody without taking into account the background of Rocky's story who was a simple guy, live in the poor neighborhoods of the city & simply live his passion for Boxing while spanking little jobs aside, and despite his flaws, he's doing his best to live his life without getting in his head & trying to do his best to get there, especially during the fight against Apollo, and it's the best example of life I've seen in a movie, not of the American dream, but of everyone, because everyone wants to go after their dream, and that put me a motivation during my internship that knows half well passed & training that starts to take me in the head for their business search looking, but that hesitates to take interns, for me it's simple, it's yes or shit, no need to wiggle your ass, be direct, nothing to do if it shocks me, I'm used to being spoken to badly & like an idiot, well, in short, in any case, we won't have to justify ourselves & say that we think, but I don't let myself & like Rocky, I'll do everything to defend the honour of myself & around my universe, namely family, friends & people around me, whether I know them or not, On what people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^
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