More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Post-DevilMan Thing
after the series I watched "Devilman", there is now something that obsesses me, making horrific surrealist drawings, because as I saw the show, he had some scenes, one of which hit me directly, Les raves Party, or the sabbath, and now it's starting to make 360°, demons deformed by drugs & the massacre that is, these scenes, have really marked me, including the transformation of monster straight out of The Thing, so, I want to do this same delirium again, but I won't be how to draw, copying on it would be cheating, and you have to go further than the show made me feel sick, it stays in your head, and for me, I imagine that it can last 1 week or 2, but if he had that, he'd have so much to say in this show, that he'd have to do a comic, (no I'm kidding, I don't have time for that) afterwards, why I love horror?, I don't know, maybe a way to express the violence & madness of the people of this world?, or a way to show that humans are sometimes monsters in their hearts, but not in their appearances?, or maybe it's so surreal that at least it makes me say in my head that Nothing has real to look at? no idea, I don't know, but adding humour, drama &"realism" (with a lot of quotes), and it gives the show I saw with my own eyes, you have to live that moment, but you have to know how to take the blows that the show gives, because there, I feel like I'm obsessing on this show, and that, you don't have to, because when you think you have that & you forget a lot of important stuff, Anyway, on this people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going to AV59 ^^
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