
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


21 years and still jaded

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-06-08


Well, no need to explain it, it's my birthday, well, fuck, 21 years, 21 years to pity for nothing, 21 years of memory as good & sometimes dumb, but above all, 21 years of research & learning to become the guy I became, certainly I still keep many of my flaws, but at the same time, everyone has & one makes the personality that everyone knows me or not, because yes, some will see me as a nice guy, others will see me as a talented guy with all the drawings I made, but others will see me as a grouch, or others will see me as a pessimist, and especially the one that many people can retain from me, of a simple jaded guy who passes & does around him, because yes, in front of your screen you don't see the face I usually make & that either surprise you or others already knew it with some summary & drawing that I publish or have already seen me how I really am, but you have what, I say shit to all that, I say shit to my jaded face, and then what, it makes laugh that what says it, whereas they make more the face than me & swim more in the stress, and these people there does not give me confidence, as soon as we are going to do a thing, I have an impression that we are going to do a stupid thing, because precisely, a party of people jokes me, because I never know on which foot to dance, on which tone to speak, at which moment they are available, I am afraid to take initiatives & to have responsibilities not because I have a lack of self-confidence, but because there is a certain category of person that I do not trust in them & so I doubt & don't know what to do anymore for what are in front of their screen, you, I always had confidence in you, because we know what we're talking about, we know how to be open, we know how to express ourselves, we know how to share, we know how to be direct, we know how to respect each other, we know how to communicate, certainly we get carried away & we do a lot of bullshit on the internet, and then, it's like in real life, it happens, everything can happen, that's why I like internet, because everything can happen, even if it shocks us, we don't care, we take the blows, about this people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro went AV59, and continue improvised, because it is art ^^


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