More artworks made by neverdieart

Black Widow
Not to be confused with the character played by Scarlett Johansson, lol So I have been terribly arachnophobic for my entire life, and in trying to face my fears I drew this, and at first even sketching the spider almost gave me a panic attack, but after working on this piece for over 9 hours I am able to look at it without cringing haha. I still will run out of a room if I see a spider probably, but at least now I can look at one without completely losing my mind so I guess that's a start. For this piece I used Dr. Ph. Martin's Watercolors, Sharpie pens, red Micron Pen, and Sakura white gelly rollers on Arteza watercolor paper. If you would like to see the painting process of this piece go to my youtube page: And I have prints available of this as well in my store: Thanks for viewing!
HGCreations 18 Jul 2018
Fantastic use of the color choice and great details! Love it!
CassandraLee2591 30 May 2018
I f**king love this! Great line work, great use of colors, great composition. You nailed it! I love it!
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