
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-05-27


It's been a long time since I was a terminator, and now I saw the first film again, if I have time I'd see the second film again, which is even better, but the first lays the foundations for something that we often forget, the horrific aspect, because yes, this film, even if there's action, had to be scary, because the director James Cameron had made a nightmare of the metal skeleton that would come out of the flames, the idea of the basic terminator was quite terrifying what the other films are going to do, the 2nd makes the character rather "human" &"nice", but I want to say that there is excuse to be a cyborg, so it is enough that he is captured, reprogrammed by the rebels of the future, and here, a good idea that still holds the road, but after... the other movies more followed the logic of the 1st & 2nd movies & did anything with the character, so much anything, which no longer scares, while it scares the balls on what it represents about the future, and they just gave a "superhero" side, but that I'm quibbling a little, because it's enough to look at the first 2, period bar, the rest, it's just fan service, because some people hate mystery & want even more, I don't know he wants, but he always wants more, but it can get into a long boring debate, and I hate debates in the head, but suddenly, I loved doing this drawing, because a lot of people love parodying with the terminator, well like that, or I put furrynator, because I found it funny & complement stupid in passing, but it made me happy to parody this character, because like many, it fessais a long time that I wanted to do it, On what people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^


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