
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


D.V.K #5 : RE-evolution (566 DEV)

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-05-21


Hi to all & today, in this 566th DeviantArt deviation (and yes, it's not a round number, we'll do it with), I decided to show the real evolution of my characters, well after I came back to the more classic format than the well worked drawings I do now, for an artistic choice, because to show that before, it wasn't that good old black marker that I still use today, with the clean decor without eraser markings, but a simple pencil in WIP mode, because most of my old drawings were drawn like that, after I don't tell you about my characters, because they, before becoming that they are, well there are 4 things that make that they are now, here is the list : 1/ : Darkin had been able to stay in his former form, because I had not thought of evolving one day, or even to even always remain sure that I was doing at the time, but for reasons of shown that I knew how to do something else of a plagiarism of Bart Simpson & to tell the world that I was able to evolve artistically, I forced myself to evolve on this last in that it became today, The famous Dragon (or Lizard of your choice) Furry, because at the base Darkin was a Simple Demon, but at the time, I was rather stubborn about what I draw, because I thought I was wasting my time or that it required work on the few basic drawing techniques (proportions, mannequin, shape, redrawing with the marker that I had made in pencil, perceptive, Shadow & Light etc..), whereas now it's more digitally on GIMP that it takes work, than the Traditional drawings I do now that they have become a habit (even if some basic technique), but without this decision, it would never have evolved. 2/ : V.I.C is basically inspired by a real person, Well yeah, or rather should say, an animal, my dog Victor, a French bulldog, which he is the pet I loved the most in my youth, an adorable dog with a strong character coming from him, stubborn, do not stop sleeping, playful enough, but very intelligent & been a kind of Garfield to my eyes, so much that he spanked bullshit & quite funny situation that he should have been in a B.D & that moreover it is the latter who gave me the idea of the name of my pseudo: Alex "VIC "59, but, on 06/08/2015, when he was only 11 years old, died of old age, certainly, it is sad, but with time, V.I.This is my dog's favorite tribute character, but reassure you, I now have a beautiful bull terrier named Judy which is the legacy of my dog messy & funny that it is, well that's not all, but let's move on to 3. 3/ : Kara is the hardest character I've ever drawn, for some stupid reason, she's a female character, with breasts that aren't proportioned enough or badly proportioned, the body that has to be thin or muscular, this character isn't easy, because I'm trying to draw a tomboy woman who's pretty funny, which I do everything to avoid all the clichés & stereotypes that we do about bimbo women or way, you see what I'm talking about, even if there are cliché & reverse stereotype of that, which is annoying to find something original with Kara, like an example like that, basically, see Kara as an Ellen Ripley of Alien, that kind of woman, or another, you see!!! that alone is not easy, so not easy that I left the character aside to concentrate on Darkin, because found a personality knows hard, example with others: Darkin is just my own exaggerated alter ego & crazy about myself, V.I.It's a stubborn Robot character, but very intelligent spanking a lot of humor, and Kara is still to this day, not definable in my opinion, I always say that it's a version of Darkin as a woman or just a friend more badass than him, and just to say it, it's finally thanks to her if we have evolved a little bit, because now, all the characters are 3/4 with a carat-design better work, whereas before, it was of Face in prototype version, because I could not find the trick with the forced evolution of Darkin, and suddenly, she gave me the idea, and still today, it is she who gave me the idea of D.V.K. the most recent evolution. 4/ : Gonk is the most recent character of all this mess, at the base it was not a Kara pet, a komodo dragon, I had found the joke funny, but draw a komodo dragon, the design was not really work, I felt like making an Alien with a crushed reptile body, and with the little evolution of Kara that changed everything the carat-design of my characters & the idea of D.V.K, I said "What if I made Gonk evolve", a party that I thought was risky, because I didn't know people were going to think, but well, I said after "since nobody cares what I do", I had announced as if it was a new character, when it was already there since 2017, but leave aside like with Kara for a while, but I hope to find something for him with this character or make him a trance, well I don't know, the only thing I thought would be that he was the mascot of the band & to be the 4th wheel of the carriage with a Zombie reference on it, I hope I gave him something that he'd be good with this character. Uff, man, I can say I spent hours writing this summary there, I hope you sure read everything, because I'm tired of it, but there's so much explanation & something to say about these characters & the artistic universe of AV59, because here I've told, it's just the surface, because we don't have at the bottom of the iceberg yet, so if you have any questions to ask me, feel free to go on curious cat, a site hopes to ask all the questions you can think of, I will put you the link on this summary there, on what people, Have a good day or evening or wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59, whose real name that buddy is..: Alexis Duée ^^


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