
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-05-16


you know what, I never thought about making my characters in Baby version, because I never thought about that & even that it would be delirious at heart, but since I've been listening to Kids from MGMT, the inspiration came all of a sudden with some reference to my universe & the "Kids" versions of my characters; whose special mention to Darkin who eats his diaper (and not it's a blue moustache), makes a mess with pencils that draw everywhere & that he's naked for God knows what reason?anyway, anyway, and even since it is part of their history, they are neither brother nor sister, but just a bunch of buddies who have grown up together & continue to travel on different delusions & cultural reference, because since very small, V.I.C in its 1st version, will teach everything from this world to these children of the internet generation, and will become the group so well known today : the D.V.K, because yes, even if these characters actually have a part of Furry & that it must be forced in the best of cases, in an alternative universe where people are half animal or that kind of bullshit that anyone of Fandom Furry would have already invented, and well, I assume that they, they are dragon spells, lizards or any reptile that mixes with the humanoid (and no, it's not reptilians like in conspiracy theories) that live in our world, because I thought it gives them a surrealist side that most people & that we can justify anything & anything as delusional with this kind of character & that they are also human, despite their reptile appearances, Well, basically, to simplify all this bullshit bla, it's like the X-Men, except that they have no super-power, it's just mutants who travel our world live like anyone else in reality, on this people, with these improvised explanations on the job, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^


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