
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-04-30


Well people, like all the beginnings of summarizing that I write, I always have trouble finding a beginning, but well, I'm used, today, given that I'm plunged in my horrific delirium, we're going to talk about Creepshow, but as I said, I don't know where to start, because there's so much to say about this movie, Well, let's start with something you have to say to yourself: "But Alex, what's Creepshow?" and Ben Creepshow is a 1982 horror movie, directed by George A. Romero (which we know him for these Zombie movies) & written by Stephen King (which we know him for these multiple horror novels), whose film base doesn't really have a fixed story, but 5 different stories to tell with a comic style, the most inspiring of all : EC Comics, which were 50's comics that told horror stories, Science-Fiction, humor & adventure, varied & diverse with a graphic style that I still fall off my ass today, especially on the horror side, the covers of these B's.D are awesome, and the film respects very well the Comics aspect, because most who participated in this film grew up with these Comics, it's for them a great tribute to their childhood that were rocked by these horrific stories (to say the difference of time, now, it would be a scandal to see a child reading a B.D horror, and again I pass the details, because I left in all my states on this kind of story, but well, there is not the subject), there is a very well dosed black humor, and there is a side nanars which makes the film great, Well though, I must admit that I'm not very inspired today to summarize this, because I wanted to talk about something about EC Comics & the controversy that once had, because censorship among young people, it always exists & it will still exist today, but it's still something else & people will be better spoken than me in this kind of debate, because I basically summarize something quickly done, and even if I do it in World#, it's just questions I ask myself, but well, I advise you this movie, it is a classic, do not hesitate to see it, on what people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^


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