
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


GawBool (feat : 9-ȒȺϔ)

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-04-26


Well people, you need to make a confidence, I'm a shit to write stories, imagine stories, it's easy for me, but writing it the Literature way with my dyslexia problems (like now with this hard writing text pad), to have read a novel or two in my life & not to have read B.D and watch movies, because more "flashy" &"diversified" for a hyperactive who can not stay a minute in front of a book full of text (and still it's the same ADHD who watches & read stuff on Wikipedia, because question is cultivated in a certain way, not the choice, it's like that), so, I showed the essay to my friend Ray, who likes to write stories, he found it horrible, the idea is very good, but the writing is horrible, that he makes everything start all over again (still happy that I didn't do it just 15 pages, because it's more of a crisis, but a depression that I would have done), So, that's where this idea came from, but that I hadn't dared too much, because it was just an idea in the nose like that : Make a RolePlay of my story idea, Ray straight away says: "I make my character?", and from there, we only started to like this RolePlay, The idea of the story is simple: Darkin leaves towards the unknown in a bus that drives in the desert corners of Australia to find a new place to live (and still I don't say all the details), and finds in this journey towards the unknown : Gawbool, a small village where a different phenomenon of all kinds takes place, including an awful "beast" that terrorizes the inhabitants, all become paranoid despite the local police who does his best to calm the inhabitants & seek dead or alive, the beast that kills without cold cattle & inhabitants of the corner, the atmosphere of the story was directly inspired by the werewolf of London in the context with the beast, humor & lucidity of the characters in the story & a tribute to several 80's horror movies that Ray & I personally love (especially what adds a black & macabre humor & also the monster transformations of some cult movie, that's what I love most) and so there's a question that has to come straight from you: But Alex, what's a Roleplay? Well Roleplay (or as I prefer to call it, "RP") is actually a role-playing game, where each one to his own character invented from scratch, follow a story told by "The Master of the Game" with different situation or danger that he will have as the story unfolds & also follow the evolution of the characters who will have as the adventure unfolds, but this is another practice of Roleplay that Ray & I spank, because there, there is no dice, board or master of the game, but we make a story in a total impro or we respond tac to tac, the events that are made in the story & that the characters tell each other, I manage my 3 characters and Ray makes his own character (of which he is represented in foreground on my drawing), and sometimes I put secondary characters to serve the story or Ray gives an unexpected irritation to the story, all this, in a total improvisation and you know what, it's as interesting to do this kind of creative & interactive exercise as doing something fixed on it (even if there are RPG books like "You're the hero" or in video games like "dot & click"), because there, there is no need to think too much of history as "Literality" as would make a novel or a short story & everything is not already planned in advance, because everything is pure chance rolling free, having fun imagining a story that may or may not last well, but me that I hope, it is that it lasts, even, to make a discord dedicated to this free rolling roleplay, of which Ray & I will be proud to be the inventors of GawBool, on what people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going to AV59 ^^


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