More artworks made by FaerieWarrior

Ouroborus Belt Buckle
This is a belt buckle I made for my intermediate metal working class. I had to design a belt buckle and use the process of chasing and repousse and I really enjoyed this process (even though it took a very long time to do). The design is an ouroborus, or in other words a snake or dragon eating its own tail. It symbolizes infinity but it can only survive as long as it continues to devour itself. So once it has completely eaten itself, it dies. In the center, is the infinity sign to symbolize true eternity. Once I get a buckle-less belt I will be sure to wear this belt buckle a lot! Also, would anyone be interested in commissioning me to make stuff like this? Material used: copper sheet. Total Time: about 17 hours (or more) (most likely more . . .) If you want to see exclusive sneak peeks, become my patron! $1 for sketches, $3 for line arts, and $5 for WIPs! I also post my metal working WIPs as well as drawings!