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Style Of The Day #4 : Sgt. Pepper's des Beatles
Uh..., you're sure I need to present? because, we're still talking about the internationally known band, whose album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (a pretty long name all), which many, including the magazine "Rolling Stones" (and not the band) recognized this album, as the best album of all time & (to add a layer) the most influential in the history of popular music, and I think I've talked about it or not, but at the same time, I've always been a Beatles fan, when I'm 20 & I find their style very creative, delirious & sometimes very experimental (well, let's be honest, drugs must have helped a bit with that, but afterwards, it's another story), but here I'm talking more about the Studio period of the band (From the Revolver album to Abbey Road), because it's in this period that have artistically secured this freedom from the pressure of the "Great Touring Period" (after I can advise you the documentary "The Beatles : Eight Days a Week" which recounts this very eventful period), But let's talk about Sgt. Pepper's, then already, it's their greatest delirium that came out & I agree it's a good album (Even if Revolver is my favorite), Sgt. Pepper's is one of the albums I've listened to in its entirety, including Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon which is part of the 1st on my personal list of albums to listen to in its entirety (and yes, I have a list like that in my head), What's more, to put it simply, this band has greatly inspired me on who I am now, I always listen to their music & many are really quality, but for me, it's still the Studio Period, because you hear who are free & have a lot of fun in a pretty messy, but stylish universe & you travel to another dimension (I had no other to describe their stuff), On this people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^ & also to all ^ She Loves You, Heyyy, Heyyyyyy XD
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