More artworks made by StephanieDamianov

Green Magical Girl
It was inspired by Sailor Moon and Mew Mew Power. My commissions are close! Find it into my shop:
Challenge: StephanieDamianov VS Torutza
SandiV 13 Apr 2018
Greem Magical girl flicks her long golden hair and instantly it shimmered like jewels, then in an instant, her wand appeared in her delicate hand, She had much work to do, many children to save. She whispered something to her demon, a beautiful little Redfox, kissed him on his little head and hurried between the trees hurrying to help little Emma who had lost her way...
StephanieDamianov 15 Apr 2018
Omg! I did not think somebody would have fun making a story out of one of my drawing! Thank you, it makes me happy to read it <3!
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