More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
World #2 : Universal, but not too much ?
So, I can see some coming already, what is your drawing telling & especially, why they make fucks (except Darkin who wonders who's passing by), and well to make it simple, I will talk about the subject of the "Universal", well normally yes, because as soon as we talk about Religion, Politics, Money, Sex, Violence, Drugs, Death & several subjects consider as taboo or sensitive that it would be impossible in making a correct list, (because the goal is to simplify to death the subject, and there, it is not easy spot for me) People are going crazy!!! there are confits, wars, manipulations, hatred, Debates & (insert other words that go with the logic of the trick) to be right, to be superior than others, in short, Power (or not, because I imagine there are other words that can summarize other diverse subjects), Actually, it's very hardcore to talk about certain subjects, afterwards, I'm not the last of the jerks, because yes, talking about suicide for example, NO, for me that's not normal, and that's just a simple example coming from me, my personal opinions, and yet another example, I love black humour, so watching a movie like Evil Dead 2, I'm only going to laugh at it in my own life, I'm not going to be able to talk about it. Basically, to make it simple, it's still a balance of good and evil & the famous "Education", OK, but that's just anything, for me, we can talk about anything, BUT, the rules are simple (in fact, it's more who I think is "LOGICAL" about how it works) : You have to know how to use the right words, even if some "shock" is certain. Say it at the right time with people who you think are "open", respectful & at a distance from you, In order to increase the "Knowledge", "Consciousness" or "Creativity" of others. (I'm not sure about the third one, see for yourself, because it looks suspicious!) and again, I see every day, satirical drawings, angry comments, people, who complains about everything to anything, that the world, well it's shit (even you who reads post to déjà vu from that I speak). and I say this, while I'm the first to complain that nothing's going on in France, then in fact, well......., it's up to you to see who passes ^^" and there, I just understood something there, because yes one is free to speak about what one wants, but give an image of the world that it is at this point shit & attacking like animals (very funny, because one descends from the monkey), Well, it's depressing, I'm not happy to know that there are still things that exist on this earth & that depresses me, but again, how do you want to tell a whole mass of people "STOP, you do EVERYTHING WHAT!!!" then we're gonna say I'm such or such crap, because... we're just not free to do what we want? (in the name of God I'm gonna get killed for that sentence) Well, I make the Conclusion: It was Very Hard, the subject is not easy to talk about, because it is very vast & complex in all senses, so much meaning, that I come in party on a lot of subject at once, just the title, I'm not sure what I'm talking about, one has the impression that it's a drunk guy at the bar who complains about anything, I think I was not ready to talk, we'll make it simple, if you understood that I wanted to tell in this post, let me know, because the only thing I know is that talking about everything is very complicated to know everything, on this people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^ (with a big headache ><)
StephanieDamianov 12 Apr 2018
You are welcome! I am surprised you that you don't have a lot of comments currently. I mean, you seem to post often. I don't know, what was the changement? I just opened an account here so I don't know what are the changes.If it is easier for you, we can speak French. I have no problem with that but expect lots of mistakes XD.
MKIII & AV59 12 Apr 2018
I don't mind doing the translation, but okay, enfaite, le site était bien avant, car les commentaire était (selon moi) obligatoire, car pour publier un dessin, fallait faire un commentaire, et c'était cool comme idée, car j'avais au moins 1 commentaire dans la plupart de mes dessins publier dans ce site, mais il ont enlever ce système là, du coup, j'ai plus de commentaire comme avant, commentaire qui m'encourager à continuez ^^
StephanieDamianov 12 Apr 2018
C'est plate qu'ils l'ont enlevé. Je vois comment l'ancienne façon pousse les gens à communiquer et à faire des liens avec les autres. J'imagine que ce qu'ils essaient de faire est de modifier le système pour qu'un jour ils puissent monétiser le site. Ça m'a beaucoup frappé lorsque je me suis mise à l'explorer et qu'il n'y avait pas d'annonce. Je crois que leur but est la monétisation par les utilisateurs du site et qu'ils vont prendre l'avantage de leur système de point de crédit bizarre, si ce n'est pas déjà le cas lol. Courage! Tu vas y arrivé :)! Dis toi maintenant les commentaires sont plus honnêtes qu'avant :D.
StephanieDamianov 11 Apr 2018
I just want to say it in the beginning that it is hard to read when there is a colorful background. Yeah, trying to talking to some people who are not open minded about subjects can be frustrating. I think it is important to talk about anything and everything with people of diverse background to grow as a person. Even if it is a point of view that people are not happy about. Just pick your battles if you see some conversations do not go anywhere.
MKIII & AV59 11 Apr 2018
I have only one thing to say to you, it is THANK YOU FOR THIS COMMENT, excuse my joy, it's just that it's been a long time that he had no comments in this site since they made the update, before he had lots of comments, but now there's nothing, the site is no longer that I knew, and if you're not sure you read, it's because the text was in French (well I think that's what you spoke at the beginning), Actually, I made this topic there, because with my new format, I'm a little afraid to talk about sensitive topics or taboo for some, because I know I can sometimes be big-mouthed, so it's not easy to find "interesting" topics with a good work opinion & without avoiding telling anything, Anyway, thank you for that comment, because my God, I never thought I'd see one again on this site, thank you ^^
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