More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
New Character (ou pas enfaite)
Well people, I think many will fall naked with this news, because even my characters are crossed out running in Monty Python mode, it's even a decision not very easy to make, because there, I think it's still in its "Experimental" phase, so, its final version will see itself with the wire of the drawings, So I introduce you (well rather Re-presente) : Gonk So he's been on the team for a long time, but it was Kara's pet, who was a Komodo dragon (I ask that I smoke that day), and yes, we're still delirious with lizards, but Gonk was a special character (still today), because from the beginning, I was used to drawing Darkin & V.I.C, and after Kara landed & everything radically changed my style on what it is today, so basically, I wanted to do its evolution in Pokémon mode, but since I wanted to do it in video (and I'm lazy about this kind of media that requires a lot of work), well, I'm in Monty Python mode, with the famous Run Away from Sacré Graal ! (and this movie is great) because, since I made my characters, inserting (or even creating) a new character in my graphic universe, it's not easy, it's not a question I don't want to evolve, but more than I want to take my time & to have the famous "clicks" necessary, to finally decide to do something (yes I'm that complicated) so I hope I can find the trick that will make the character & have a new design & inspiration of the latter (because this based on a komodo Dragon that was a pet, it's going to be hot to try to do something with Gonk), if you have any advice or opinions about this new character (still unofficial), let me know, because otherwise, I'll start doing anything ^^" On what people, Have a good day or evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^
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