More artworks made by VedR1109

Easter Day-Euralien and Koleda
This Easter Day pic features a big suprise for my two lovely OCs Euralien the Lightbearer and Koleda Ryucyning. This pic was based upon three artworks: Happy Suprise!!!!!! Relaxing Sex Snake and Tiger Those were very inpirentional for this pic which involves Euralien and Koleda making out together in most sexy fashion, as a little moving away from traditional portait of Euralien spending the Easter Day with his family without doing anything explict. Other then to just spend time with his family and kids and to celebrate Easter Day intraditional fashion, Koleda decided to give her beloved mate a big suprise and a best time ever.As part of April fool's joke she sent Euralien a letter which said that a sneaky thief stole one of Hehteorla's golden eggs and that a hero named Ado Eloc caught the thief and brought the egg back and now is waiting in secrecy for Euralien inside the Bujan garden.Euralien was struck in wonder by this letter.He went to check on Hehteorla's most recent clutch and there was one egg missing,and now this messege tells him that a hero is waiting for him in the garden and that he wants him to come on their secret meeting inside the garden.Euralien went into the Bujan garden alone and checked the entire are until he reached the deepest part of the garden where he finaly found his egg placed on a pedestal.As he was getting closer,Euralien was searching for the hero Ado Eloc but didn't found him.Then as his was about to touch the egg to see if it is fine and if the welpling inside is fine,he hears a rumbling of leaves in fornt of him and low and behold,Koleda jumps out of her hidding place all nude,wearing bunny ears,bunny wiskers,a bra and easter day ornaments around her panties,saying "April Fools!/Happy Mostly Lively Easter Day,My Love."Euralien froze in place and gapped in amazement at how beautiful Koleda looked that he didn't even felt offended for being a victim of the april fool's day which involved one of his eggs that belong to one of his mates.Koleda walked out of bushes,picked up Hehteorla's egg,hug it between her breasts and kiss it as if it was her own and then hugg it tightly with her arms and against her cheeks.Euralien approached Koleda and asked her to give Hehteorla's egg back.She gave it back and he placed it on one drywall where grew some grass and flowers too,then he turned toward Koleda and asked her in warm tone what was the meaning of this.Koleda said that she wanted to make Euralien's easter day special and give him a big suprise and the best time ever but only privately in the Garden.She offered that she can still make this the best time ever just for him in more then one way if he wish to see it.Which Euralien agreed and set on another drywall to watch.Koleda started dancing eroticly,moving around,turning,bending over,shaking her butt,her hips and her breasts as she was looking at Euralien in cool,seducing way.She ven made few acrobatics with some food,sweets and jewelry she brought along and played with it for their mutual amusment.Eventually she begun to remove her bra and then her panties and started to appraoch Euralien to recieve her reward for the good and best time...let's just say for final that the two had a great time together on Easter Day and Euralien gave his beloved mate,Koleda the reward she asked for.What they did before the climax is a story for another time. Character belong to me. Happy Easter Day everyone!!
pencil recreations 20 Mar 2020
Good to hear ..hey the bio was yours on your front page although I do like what you have written above.. nice to hear where you have been...
VedR1109 20 Mar 2020
Oh ok...thank you...well I am trying my best to do as many stuff as possible before I miss anything...
pencil recreations 16 Mar 2020
MMMMMM!!! interesting easter scenario...Vedran….and nice to see your little bio...yeah I say it again you draw your dragons good....
VedR1109 18 Mar 2020
Thank you!XDI'll do more of those when I is not bio it is a little story I written to go along with this give it more meaning.Thank you again XD
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