
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Amazing Grace

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-04-02


One thing promised, I'll talk (in my opinion), the most beautiful bagpipe music I've ever heard in my life: Amazing Grace I don't know why, but I love this music, there's something in it that makes you shed a little tear, because it's so beautiful to listen to instrumental, when I listen to this music, I always imagine guys playing bagpipes in the beautiful Scottish landscape with the sun rising breaking the grey clouds that cover Scotland, yes I know, I just made a poem, I've just made a poem, I've never heard it before, because yes, this music, everyone knows it for this "Scottish" party, But you know it was made by an American, because I didn't even know it, before I saw it on Wiki, I would have thought it would be Scottish, but no, I find it very surprising, because the Scots have made this music even more beautiful in instrumental version than Chanté (because yeah, I admit that the Singing version is not my cup of tea, even if it remains very beautiful, the instrumental is better), but I leave the proof, that I am more Instrumental on the music level, but well, blah blah blah, for this morning people, I leave it to you with this beautiful landscape drawn by my care & let also listen to the great music that goes with it, on this people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^


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