
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Bad Kids

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-03-22


Hi people, and..........., damn, since March 16 I haven't published drawing, ah yeah it's true, I'm in the middle of an internship, well anyway, let's pass and..................... Okay, I'm a bit embarrassed on this drawing, because all my characters make fucks (or horror fingers if you prefer) to represent like dirty kids inspired by music (as it's original on my part), but.... this drawing had been done for a long time, but given the content, I censored myself & put myself in my unpublished drawing file (by then, he might have a special on it, who knows), because I repressed myself by saying that it was shit and the content of the latter ^^" all this, because I posted it on a Discord server that I used to go to, and the people he's in, can't understand the second degree, which is anything when you neither think for me to make a Fuck, both reject that we don't like, but also personal, it always makes me laugh, fuck makes me laugh, say Shit makes me laugh & normally at the base, summed it up well, but since I do internship & really lazy to publish again drawing (see really draw something new), so I took this drawing in the second degree out of pity, because I don't want to delete it & I don't think I'm in my normal state after the sick job I did in my internship, and on this people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, with a Darkin Kimiro downright dead x-x, AV59


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