
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Day Woman (Remake)

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2018-03-09


So yes, International Women's Day was yesterday, but we're going to say that I was lazy & I didn't have the idea for that day yet, then why "Remake" again?I had already done a drawing for the Day Woman, but I had done it wrong, because the idea was that Darkin protect Kara, and some people were yelling at the time that a guy who was protecting a woman for the woman's day, well that it was a very stupid idea, when yet, don't look at the harm done to it, but well, logic before all, will know, not even I didn't know? Anyway, it's time to correct with this remake & that Kara for all these years has had a hard time supporting this image of the "defenseless & fragile woman", and well with this last evolution that radically changed my style & the way I see my characters, Kara will kick Darkin's ass, because this humiliation could not last any longer, and also, Kara has become the busiest of my characters, she does in the 2M00, of which darkin does 1M75 or 70, so even if this day knows passed yesterday, and well, I still did this drawing, and without the women, men would be all stupid men, (but also that we would never have existed for the moment), I'm not afraid to tell you, for me, we don't have to talk about it. on this people & ladies, Have a Happy Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^ Ps : Kara : Revenge / Darkin : My Ass


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