More artworks made by snakedaemon

Saying Goodbye
Complete 28/2/18 Well this has been a hard drawing to do, I have my pet ferret for 6 years and she was 2 and a rescue, she was severely underweight when I got her and spent several weeks helping her eat and build up strength not of that 2 weeks after getting her I found out she was gravid/pregnant, she wouldn't let me stay away from her when she gave birth and wanted to keep me close Well this continued even after she stopped being a caring mum and didn't stop even to the day she passed away(21/2/18) when she stayed with me for 72 hours even at the vets she refused to leave me alone So this has been a difficult time and I don't think I'll ever forget the fun we had
Challenge: snakedaemon VS MalaMi95
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