
More artworks made by VedR1109


Euralien and Aurora: Thank you for Everything

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-02-17


A valentine pic featuring Euralien and his second mate Aurora. In this pic we see Euralien wishing a happy Valentines day to Aurora and saying his thanks for everything she did for him and for his first mate Vilina. Supporting him and his mate,helping to raise a family,raise their welplings and then giving birth herself and helping out other mates and children in the family to have a safe and happy life despite all the hardships they both have faced. These are all the things that Aurora did out of love for Euralien and for Vilina who is like a sister to her,and for that Euralien felt that he should finaly say his deepest THANK YOU to kind and caring green dragoness,and he did. He came to her today,this very special day for our dear fiery dragon and his mates,and gifted her with heart chocolate box and said; "Happy Valentines Day,Aurora.And thank you for everything you ever done for me,for us and for our children,eversince we first met thirty plus years ago. Thank you,my Love!"and he kissed her.She smiled back and deeply touched,with tears in her eyes,she hugged her mate tightly. The lower frames showes the flashbacks of how Euralien and Aurora met again in one palace in Albion.That's when Vilina proposed to him to on their wedding night take Aurora as his second mate.The second frame is Euralien and Aurora spending some intimate time together behind closed doors. And finaly the last date the two been on since the foundation of Trio Alliance. Though none of use have a harem or twelve dragoness for your mates,we all know how it is be mated with someone who gave you everything out of love and trust she beares for you.So give your mate your thanks once in a while and show that you really do care and appriciate what she does for you. It would make her very happy.Who wouldn't want his mate to be happy?Women does for their mates a lot more then we think or admit and they deserve to recieve a little thank you and show of appriciation and to prove them that we man really do care about them.


  • pencil recreations 11 Mar 2020

    Hi Ved love your dragons and your gallery First time for me to catch up with you...Nev

    VedR1109 15 Mar 2020

    Thank you! I love when people appritiates my drawing skills and my dragons! They are my favoret characters :D

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