More artworks made by Armorwing
The Raksura: Jade the Future Queen
Part 6 of my Raksura design series. This piece features Jade, daughter of the reigning queen and last heir to the position. Stone originally brought Moon to the court as a potential consort for Jade. The reigning queen Pearl is old and believed to be losing her mind. Though everyone in the court wants her to, Jade has yet to challenge Pearl for the position, so Stone hopes a consort will give her some security in the decision. Jade was open to Moon joining the court, but his wariness of queens made it difficult for him to warm up to her, let alone consider being her consort (queens have the ability to draw others in and prevent them from shifting; a fact that deeply troubled Moon). However, she makes the best effort, to the point where Moon feels comfortable enough to divulge secrets that he's never told another. Jade is a strong queen who looks after her own, but she's still young and lacks the confidence to take full responsibility of her role. She's a decent diplomat, but she truly shines when she literally fights to protect her subjects. Besides Stone, she's also one of the few others who can match Moon in his snide comebacks.
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