More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

D.V.K #2 : What Goes On ?
People, you must say to yourself, what is this new surprise that I wanted to announce in more detail since "Bad Moon Rising", so now I have to say dear audience: I, AV59, the guy who stays most of the time in front of his screen to wait for something new to happen in that I'm doing, is going to do some weight training, it's even official, because after a test that knows very well passes, I'm registered today in L' orange Bleu (I'm not kidding, the room is well called that) Basically, I repeat it again, I'm going to inflate, dumbbells, move my ass, well you got the idea, "But why are you going to the gym, Alex?", and well it's simple Billy, because I'm obese, joke aside, I'm in severe obesity for a long time, I'm 1M90 for a weight of 130 Kg, so it would be time to move my ass, But the real reason for wanting to move my ass to lift weights is that I really don't have anything to do at home, I don't have a job waiting for the people who take care of me (local mission & Alternative) to find a job that could please me & I spend my time in front of my screen looking at the intersidereal vacuum waiting for something huge to happen, And no, it's not a joke, but it's true, so I hope I made myself clear& that most of you will encourage me to go ahead, because I'm going to do this for a year, it's a bit like my new job, except that I wouldn't be paying for it, but I don't care, I don't care, because it's going to keep me in front of my screen of the intersidereal void, On this people, Spend a Good Day or Evening or whatever you are, AV59 ^^
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