More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
As I said in the last drawing, D. V. K. is I think a step in my Graphic evolution, and just to see my last one, I'm proud of the rendering that it gives in the end, If not, after publishing my drawings, you know the character that I am, again, the inspiration comes again from a music, but this time it's a tribute that I give, because this music comes from "Shaun of the Dead", a parodic film on the zombie very funny & British humor sticks well in the morbid atmosphere of this last one, But what does it have to do with the band "I MONSTER", and well when you listen to "The Blue Wrath", you think straight to the movie, but also, why my character is always in a white shirt with a red tie, and well that comes from the movie too, because the main character "Shaun" is to live like that, all along the movie, even with the Zombie invasion, Shaun always stays as if he's still living there, So for me, it's a small tribute to a film that I really liked, and that certain scenes will stay in my head, because it's just cult, on this people, have a good day or an evening or whatever you are, AV59 ^^
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