
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Badd Moon Rising

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-01-27


God, it's been a long time since I haven't published a drawing, after all there's a good reason, but rather silly enough I think so, because I didn't know how to find the inspiration & that I have to take care of my personal affairs, the list of which would be long enough to explain, but good, otherwise here's my last drawing to inspire (as it's new), music, but that it comes from a great movie: Le Loup Garou De Londres, (In which he is part of my inspiration to make my comic strip (Project that doesn't go forward, because I'm lazy to do it, but a lot of ideas come after all ^^"), But I have to tell you something, since D. V., I've been telling you.K, I think I have a desire to improve on the drawing & of myself, because I have to confess that, sit in front of his desk chair look at the screen as if you were looking at the intersidereal void to wait for something extra to happen, I confess, it's boring, even, very nutty, at the same time, since I don't have any work & that I'm not working, I hope I'm going to think about doing it, because I'm always afraid to forget that I have to do, on this people, Spend a Good Day or Evening or whatever you are, AV59 ^^


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