More artworks made by Armorwing

The Devil is a Crybaby (Digital Version)
"Devilman: Crybaby" is sooooo good, but emotionally destructive. I sketched this idea out the day after I finished the series about 2 weeks ago. I didn't exactly cry, but I was stunned and felt dead inside. I know some people might be put off by the intense violence and sexual imagery, but if you can look past that, there's a lot to appreciate about this series. I find it really funny that the next thing I watched to make myself feel better was "The Devil is a Part-Timer". I didn't plan it like that, but that's what happened. For anyone wondering, I know Akira is kinda big in this pic, but it felt right to me. I think I was unconsciously thinking of this when I sketched the piece:… Also, Miki is more in one piece because I can't deal with that. I just had to get my feelings out about this show. Traditional Version: Speedpaint:
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