More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Darkin & GNU/Linux
In this new year, there's something that has been turning my head since I switched computers, What would be great or not to put it on "GNU/Linux"? these two animals that represent the "free world" of computer science on their own with the principle of "Open-Source" or "Free Software", and I see you with your "WTF" look? or "Alex, what are you talking about?", or the thousands of comments made on this last one at a distance that it is for the "computer scientists", the "Geek or Nerd" and that it is all "ugly" & that we don't understand anything, whereas with my Windows or Mac knows a thousand times easier than this Thing that is "Linux". So already, if you like to crash with these two OSes, I recommend you to try in the biggest calm "Ubuntu" or "Linux Mint" that are advising for beginners to make your own opinion on the possibilities or not that you can have & even if I say that, I'm in a bad position to say it, since I'm on Windows 10 & that before, I used to use Chrome as a navigator, I confess that this world of free computing is really for what likes to tinker or the privacy fanatics or both, because it takes a lot of effort to understand & patience to do things right, Even Steam is on Linux & is starting to have more games on it, I think it's the future of computing, but I have a problem with that? What's not going to make a new loop again? because when I say that, before the guys from Google became the big company we know, well it was just a bunch of students who wanted to change the world & have unlimited information about the world for everyone, just like Apple who wanted to democratize & popularize computers to the general public who before, people didn't give a shit about going to the Internet or playing online video games on PC (But that's not the case!), And if Linux had become the OS that dominates the computer market that Windows & Mac would have become nothing next to the penguins that we know everything? what if Linux guys would have become like Google, Apple & Microsoft, what if our privacy would be as threatened with it as the big companies we know now? Now I ask myself the question, because this last one which is starting to become popular, and this popularity is starting to scare me, because one thing that is quickly becoming popular becomes the opposite of who has become the basis, and that was proven with the musical genres and films that have become popular and then become an endless money machine, until becoming the opposite of its basic philosophy, If you like this kind of Debate, then I invite you to continue with me in the comments (if you know about computers or in the world where we live?), on this, Have a Good Day or Evening or whatever you are, AV59 ^^
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