
More artworks made by snakedaemon


Yuriko tiger as junko enoshima

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2018-01-08


Completed 7/1/18


  • Tomas 9 Jan 2018

    basically, I sent you another email to . if you could reply and attach the original image which you are trying to upload I might be able to fix this issue.

    snakedaemon 9 Jan 2018

    i must of missed the email, if you could send me another

  • Tomas 9 Jan 2018

    Hi, you haven't responded me to my email about this. Could you send me the original picture you are trying to post?

    snakedaemon 9 Jan 2018

    This 1 is another post, the first was yuriko tiger as junko enoshima w.i.p 2, I posted it using a library computer, same with this 1, you can see the pictures either side of this picture on my profile

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