
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Merry Christmas Darkin

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-12-24


Greetings to you people who arrive or who are new in these places, on this Christmas day, I publish the parody of the famous "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown ", to summarize this rather original Christmas story I find (and if I remember it well), To sum up -- it tells the story of Charlie who celebrates Christmas with his buddies & his dog Snoopy, but oddly enough, Charlie is unhappy on this day of celebration, he bought a tree to try to be happy with a little decor, the tree doesn't even stick with a big ball, so it doesn't work, he tries to show a Christmas show with his friends, he ruins everything & his friends are angry with him to death, Anyway, everything's fine, the end-- Here's to sum up that I'm reminded of the story, and said like that, it sounds boring, but it's quite original as a Christmas tale, especially with a character like Charlie Brown, and for nothing you hide, it made me remember nostalgia or I watch old cartoons without anyone questioning the "nullity" or you know what I'm talking about, just the simplicity & without a headache by thinking "come on, forget about what's going on around you & come and party with any person who's dear to you & Look what you want even if you think it sounds boring basic, because nobody else does it for you to judge", for me, I bring out the champagne, and wish you (for the thousand times you must have heard that), Merry Christmas & Happy New Year wherever you are, AV59 ^^


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