More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

AV59 Summary Of Art 2017
People, I don't think I need to work on my text on who will follow, because today, to inspire a person that I look at his drawings a lot & which seems to be a standard for anyone who wants to see his graphical evolution. It's just a review of what I was able to do in 2017, the idea is not so original, but interesting to see that we couldn't do per month, but on the other hand, since I did a lot of drawing over a month, the evolution isn't very much, but good, at least most of the drawings are from the beginning or middle of the month in question, And also for what's new in the band, are going to fall on my old style & how Darkin became before changing into this lizard we know today, but that means I want to thank what follows me & keep publishing their drawings on our band, even if I keep the control, it's still everyone's band, Then I'm not good at making fine speeches if I'm not applying too much to my text, but at least, my motto, this slogan I've always kept from the beginning,"Improvised, it's art" and it will always stay, because even this group of drawings, had been done unexpectedly & I wouldn't have believed in its small success, but thanks people, keep publishing & sharing your art, and as I'm used to say: Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, AV59 ^^