
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


The 4th Wall

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-12-09


Hi people, he'll have something I like in a story, it's breaking the 4th Wall, talking to people as if it were normal, when we don't have in the middle of a movie, series, or comic book, but there's something I want to know by breaking this wall that separates me and you people, what are you looking at me?As soon as you see my drawings, what would you think?, it's good or bad?, I don't have a lot of comments from the populace, just like or a view counter. The worst thing is that I don't like to ask too much because you do what you want, but sometimes I feel like I'm doing anything, well lately, I think I'm a little bit of evolution (since I'm doing a Comics Project, I'm doing my best to apply myself, because I want to show that I don't have a good XD), otherwise people, without asking too much, don't really care about it... The importance is to improvise by having fun on the fact that we do whoever wants to experiment without anyone telling you how to do it, because it is you and you alone who is the master on board your projects as diverse as they are, and I think it's my idea of how drawing & art works, after I'm going to ripen, and see how the future will be, without the need for me, On this people, keep on doing what you do & as Léo TechMaker from Trash says:"Never stop learning", but I'll always tell you: Have a Good Day or Evening or whatever you are, AV59 ^^


  • Anonymous 10 Dec 2017

    you break 4th wall o.o

    MKIII & AV59 10 Dec 2017

    Yeah, and I like to break that wall, because a lot of people don't do it too much or very little, but otherwise, thank you for that comment ^^

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