More artworks made by Ferdinand Von Nielsen

Battle of Carhae
54 BC. After defeat of Spartacus, a small group of gladiators scape of Rome crossing alps and go to east. Dazzlings take route to Syria but the travel gives a lot of homes in Greece, Macedony, Thracia and finally Mesopotamia returning after 300 years. Marcuas Crassus wanted invade the Phartian empire but the warriors of these land are noit intimidate of Roman army, and in the first encounter in Carrhae, the phartien mounted archers and the highly armed Cataphracts masacred the roman Army. for Dazzlings and some old gladiators like Gannicus the vengeance finally comes.
LadyoftheApocalypse 15 Nov 2017
Very well done battle scene!
Anonymous 14 Nov 2017
Great illustration, nice action scene and beautiful colours
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