More artworks made by Nate77



By Nate77
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-11-11


Tattoo Concept. Drawn on Strathmore paper with Graphite pencils.


  • Khobe 12 Nov 2017

    This is such a cute little dragon, but keeping with our conversation , I wonder if you might reconsider trying to learn from videos at your own pace if you cannot find a fine art teacher in your area. Your talent is worth it, I think your problem could be turned into an asset. Take a look at this amazing website: // _ Given by a true master, it's the best I've seen and it's free! Tell me what you think about it and remember painting is only drawing with paint, so keep on drawing always.

    Nate77 16 Nov 2017

    Thanks, i will have to keep in mind what you say "painting is only drawing with paint", i have never thought of it that way.I have tried painting a few times and i just end up feeling like a little kid finger painting at school, this is definitley something i need to address.

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