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In The Year 2525
We keep talking about "good music" again, and I'll talk about "Zager and Evans - In The Year 2525" So this music, I knew him look at one of my favorite series: Futurama, in the episode or Fly, Bender & the old farnsworth, time travel, no return possible in the past, and it's great this episode, especially the famous party where he begins to parody "In The Year 2525", seeing how humanity has become over time, and when I listen and follow the logic of music, well it scares me, because we still talk about a pessimistic future, and then even most of the works of SF that I know, it's rare to have a bit of the optimist, there is only the negative, and still it depends on the Movies, Mangas, BD & Roman, but hey, the good & bad, it is vague for me, And since I have nothing to fill for interesting, Have a good day or evening or you are, AV59 ^^