More artworks made by The Scorpion Art



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-10-05


i like the phoenix, and i did this without use color black (in the animal), except for the eye...


  • xpector 29 Dec 2015

    not bad! But you could use some black for effect!!

  • Zburlea Ariana 9 Dec 2015


  • Zburlea Ariana 9 Dec 2015

    Do not forget about the shadow edges

  • Zburlea Ariana 9 Dec 2015

    You could draw more details....and refine the colour :) Keep it up

  • niki42 28 Mar 2016


  • sekult 5 Oct 2014

    Mmm, nice work, but I feel that the color is a little bland, barely any llamative contrast, but still a nice job.

  • Anonymous 5 Oct 2014

    nice work

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