More artworks made by CrisLoran (OkiotoArt)

Swamp Ghost Fisherman
He's a dead ghost of the fisherman, confuses the player, leads him in to swamps, drowns him.
surealworld 4 Nov 2017
Oh I get it,when you said,it would be gluttony( seven Sin contest ) . You character suffers from Bulimia,( some one who always thinks they are fat,put their fingers down their throat ,after eating to cause them selves to throw up ,so they wont gain any weight).
CrisLoran (OkiotoArt) 4 Nov 2017
yes, i think that bulimia is one of the eating disorders that really shows the idea of the sin, 'aspecially in our days. usually pepople use a very fat character representing this sin, but something as bulimia and anorexia are way scarier, it kills realy fast. A fat person can live a long life, a bit sad, a bit uncomfortable, a bit addict, but long enough to have a family, careere, kids and that horrible massage armchair. bulimia and anorexia may kill in one year, it spreads, it infects young pure beutifull minds and destroys their future and bodies. it is not seen untill it's to late.
surealworld 1 Nov 2017
Help Me out . Which deadly sin does this Character figure represent?
CrisLoran (OkiotoArt) 2 Nov 2017
It didn't from the begining, i tried to participate in character design contest, but somehow this art was automaticly droped here, and i couldn't find the way to remove it. but sense it's here let it be gluttony)
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